Platinum Friends:
Meet [Platinum Landlord] Kent Julian.
We are pretty big fans of Kent Julian. Kent is a family man, a speaker, and entrepreneur, an author as well as an outstanding landlord.
He didn't start out that way. Kent shares his story on his company website, Live It Forward. He didn't start out successful, " I wasn't even mediocre; I was well below average." Despite his less than stellar beginnings, he now lives an amazing success filled life in the most important roles of his life.
What does Live It Forward mean? Simply stated, it's living into your bigger story. It means you stop DREAMING about the life you want and start DOING the life you want. He has a 2025 vision- to help one million people move from LIVE IT FORWARD into the most important roles of their lives!
Empowering You to Move
from DREAM to DO
If you are interested in shutting down your inner critic, outside voices or the comparison game and move towards an amazing, success-filled life, join us at
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