Dear Platinum friends,
We are always trying to find ways to improve your experience. It’s something we spend a lot of time thinking about.
In our foyer, we have a large sign that describes our company and how we want to run our business. It doesn’t speak to solving the world’s problems or never making mistakes and for as much as I would like it to be possible, it doesn’t say we’ll make everyone happy. It speaks to the people we work for (you) and the people we work with (Platinum) and how important we are to each other.
My answer to that was simple. “Then maybe we HAVEN’T done all that we can.”
It’s not lost on us that the perception of most businesses and maybe our business is that companies have to put profits before people, or that “it’s not personal, it’s business.” I don’t know that there is one blanket solution for everyone that improves their individual experience, but I think any time you can make it more personal, and genuinely show people you are trying to help, that goes a long way in making the customer experience the best it can be - even during the down times and regardless of profits.
I’m not talking about just our business relationships, I’m talking about the personal ones. As we have gotten to know our clients, we have realized that we have some great tenants, owners, vendors and employees doing incredible things that we can all benefit from. We want to share those stories! We have people that are starting a new small business, or who may need a referral, or might be raising money for a cause, or just need a hand with something – We can help with that.
For instance, did you know that: We have hired both tenants and property owners who are currently part of our team? We have endorsed owners, tenants and vendors on linked in, google reviews and Yelp? We’ve used vendors who reached out to us initially as our tenants? We coach youth soccer teams? We’ve sponsored 10K’s and marathons participants, local high school sports teams, Girl Scout troops, Youth theater clubs, middle school bands, little league baseball and elementary school talent shows?
Did you know ALL of these originated from tenant/owner/vendor/employee connections?
The greatest part of being a part of this business are the relationships we make and when those relationships become personal. There is nothing more rewarding than that.
All that said, Platinum wants to take your customer experience to the next level. We want to help you in other meaningful ways outside of the tenant/landlord, manager/owner or vendor/customer relationships.
Introducing OUR PLATINUM!
We have created a new mailbox: ourplatinum@platinumrentalproperty.com We invite you to send us a note about something great you’ve done, something you want to share with us, or something you think we might be able to help you out with – maybe a referral or an endorsement - anything. We’ll spread the word or get involved however we can. We will in turn share these and our own stories on our site with all of you. Check out the “OUR PLATINUM” tab on our website for more in the coming weeks!
This is YOUR platinum so let us know what you think. We’re really excited about this initiative and look forward to your feedback!